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I'm new to this where do you get the roms at to play on the emulator

download roms nes or snes from piratebay

or it safer that way

I just seem to be watching the computer play , playing donkey kong thought it was me but it wasn't me playing it was the computer and Track and field I was just watching both cpu players running . what am I doing wrong why wont it recognized my xbox one crontroller please , why cant I play . why am I just watching the computer play ?

helpppppppppp please


can someone please help me? None of the states i save are able to load back up, I must be doing something wrong. I've emulated alot on android and pc but for some reason im not seeing a savestate folder or when i try to go do something else on xbox like netflix and come back later to load state it only offers the option to save state. Please help!

Could we.have Atari, intelivision emulators?

First, thanks for developing this, it's awesome being able to play this on a modern TV with minimal effort.

In regards to the Genesis emulator, is there any way to map the C button? I wasn't sure if "only works with the gamepad buttons: ...A, B, X, Y" applied to the genesis games as well. Making sure I'm not missing something.

YO can we please N64 like this?

Can someone help me? every time i try to load a game from my OneDrive it says folder is empty even though I have games in it. Why is it doing this?

refresh the page

A suggestion will be that you can leave the scroll bar of the games faster and that very slow when you have many games in a folder

just a tip for everyone moaning abou the save functionality. you need to save around every 10 to 15 minutes . after this i recommend that once you've saved your progress just load it back up again to make sure it work after i strongly advise either quitting the game or refreshing the page i think refreshing the page is possibly best then after start your game again and your progress should have saved. this works for me and ive had very few issue with this. one last point try donating as well

Does anyone else have a problem with what seems like the down button is being held down when you go into menus inside the game...I've had this happen on a few games but more on FF3 than any other....any suggestions...I've tried turning off the conteoller, closing the browser and exiting the Microsoft Edge app...nothing seems to work

yes I've had the same problem I just press the L and r buttons until the cursor stops moving down the screen.

Hello devs, how are you? I was thinking about a solution for the save game issue: if we share the roms folder with the account used to read our onedrive folder? This can be a solution.

i have a question, first thanks this is amazing. but my question is does the emulator have a limit for roms it holds? I have 750 in my one drive but it seems the emu holds 0-9 up to dr. so roms E-Z dont appear

try to divide your roms to separate folders


i really should have thought of that, thanks that did the trick. Amazing job. any chance of adding Atari or C64?

Awesome Emulator Thanks Man!


How would a save feature work? The emulator runs in the browser. It'd be different if the emulator was a file being run by the XB1 itself. I don't see how a save feature is possible, and I think the creator knows this but doesn't want to admit it. Right now a lot of people are all like, "yay! Snes on xb1 yes!!11!1!" The creator doesn't want to rain on his own parade because this is probably his life accomplishment.

He says he will try and fix the save when he "has time". He had time to create this emulator but can't find the time to fix the save? BS. It's entertaining how naive and simple people are.

Honestly, this emulator is useless without a save. Why can't you admit it

This is is the second comment you have made like this, This guy seriously needs to be banned from this page for his hateful and abusive messages towards the creator

im glad it doesnt work for you . you've said your bit and no agrees. with you . the saves work alot better than what they first did you just have to do it frequently and it does work. stop complaining. like i said if you don't like it then dont use or you make one your damn self eediat .

it doesnt work for me and i have done it frequently , it works in the begining after a while it stops working


(2 edits)

i hate to say it but he is right without the save its worth nothing, but i really hope he can fix it


(1 edit) (+1)

If you aren't satisfied with all the hard work to bring us a stable emulation in a Browser, buy a Nintendo Switch, then buy the virtual console version, play on PC emulator or do a better job. Every update give us some new improvement and for a thing that you aren't paying a penny, it's ok. Less talk, more play baka.

I would play if I could save..

Hahaha it doesn't work for you? Lol it works for me. I don't have to save often either. Been playing megaman x. Works. The final fantasy series works. Crono trigger.... works. A few games have their little quirks about them, but... eh, nothing is perfect. Although this is pretty damn close! Maybe it's your karma for a total douche bag when there is no way in hell you could create something like this. So please, oh wise one, make something better. That's right, you can't, can you? Doubtful. People want instant gratification nowadays. It's horrible to see how impatient people are. Probably some snot nosed kid who is use to getting everything he wants. Although, if you're my age... and to be honest, I'm only in my late 20s... and you're this way... man your folks did a shitty ass job raising you. You sir, are a butt pirate. Now good day.


great invention keep up the great work👍👌


You've been saying for 1 year now that you are trying to fix the save. Why don't you just admit that you can't do it? Because you don't want to admit that there's a fatal flaw with your little invention.This is retarded and you are a joke.

(1 edit) (+2)

Are you fucking serious? A year? You can easily see the date when this was created you imbecile.Your first post wasn't even 2 months ago, you asshat.

Second of all, how do you get off insulting someone, demanding they fix something, when they already explained multiple times, this is not his job, this is a hobby, a project, a toy. He doesn't get paid for this shit, he works on it when he has time.

I guarantee you haven't even donated one cent to this man for all his hard work, yet you comment, crying begging and demanding him to fix a small miniscule problem instead of waiting

i bet you you're a 13 year old kid who gets everything he wants with every cry when mommy is around.


what an ungrateful little douche bag. your complaining about something that's free to use . your a fuckin loser dude .if you dont like using this then why dont you make one yourself or just dont use .i never react to internet comments .but that bullshit you wrote got to me . i dont care if you thought you were being funny or whatever because you failed.sometimes you need just show people respect and if you cant you need to shut the fuck up

just report that guy and hopefully he gets banned :)

Mediocre troll, 4/10. Now fuck off please.


How will a save ever be possible when the emulator is played through a browser? This guy probably knows that but doesn't want to admit it, instead saying he'll try and fix it when he "has time", although he sure had plenty of time to create this in the first place didn't he? It just smells fishy,you can be that naive if you want to be. The fact is this emulator is useless without a save feature, admit it. So we can play DKC or ALttP for 5 min... Um, yay? The novelty quickly wears off when you realize you can't even save your game and you've wasted your time.

You're just.... Super dumb. Lol go read my last comment on your most recent posting. You do realize tons of snes games didn't even have a save function.... right? You must be young. Lol.


I really like to play the old games and everything works within the gameplay :) but I have a problem with the sound - kind of cracky... someone got a answer for that?

I don't believe so, unfortunately! This is just a hobby project though... so we can't expect tons and tons from the creator. For what it is, it's pretty amazing though! Let's hope everything can be perfected!

For some reason I cannot get "add rom from one drive" on the start up screen like I see in tutorials posted on the internet. Any help?

It didn't show up for me either, but it turns out you don't need it. Just download a rom on your computer, extract the files, then go to one drive and upload the rom.

10/10...even tho there are a few game in each system that don't work...if anyone read the description they would know that already...but they will gripe and bitxh

I just want you to know I love you for what you have created.

Thanks :)

No, thank you <3

The screen is cut off at the bottom...

change your tv's aspect ratio...duh

dont work

On the Xbox settings go to "display and sound" then "video output" the "video fidelity & overscan" then uncheck "Apps can add a border"

This is the solution! Thanks very much!


The solution I found for it is to have Fullscreen toggled on in the Microsoft Edge settings before clicking on the emulator window. Then, after loading the ROM, toggle that option back off. Access the Microsoft Edge settings by pressing the [triple line] button to the right of the [HOME] button.

Thanks, you are the best!👍👍👍. And this emulator is super. Good work.

On the Xbox settings go to "display and sound" then "video output" the "video fidelity & overscan" then uncheck "Apps can add a border"

DESERT STRIKE for Sega Genesis dont work😢

not every games works....find another game

No problem, SNES version work 👍🙂

(1 edit)

castlevania aria of sorrow in gba emulator, frame rate is low.

I wish people would stop coming in here and leave the same comment when they man has already answered the questions multiple times



You people are so ungrateful, this man spends his valuable time making this for Xbox One owners and you guys constantly whine about the product, either wait for a new release or go away

Me and thousands of others appreciate all the hard work put into this project, Let his man work in peace

I haven't had any problems yet..except for few games not big deal...quit your

im not bitching, you must have not read my comment correctly, i was talking about the other people who come on here and cry and post the same comment about games not working or sound being choppy or gamesaves

I have no problems with the emulator, i love it, but other people need to stfu and let this man work

Ay plans for a PS4 browser support?

Don't have

maybe you didnt see my comment so i ask again are you trying to fix the save state ??

I see your comment and comments from the other people to fix the save state.

Please be patient, I'm going ti fix it when I'll have free time.

okay great , sorry for bothering you

javascript error 800a1391

any details?

Shouldn't this be organized into the Tools category? It's a system to play games, not a game in itself.

Just wondering, also congrats on making one of the coolest UWP apps yet!

Hi slimekat i love your brokenfolx game it kinda sad through it always talking about you miss behavior all that

pls n64 & sega saturn for GE007 and doom

Oh yes, please!

Also, donated. 👍🙂

Plans for MAME and Arcade support?

And Cheats?

Any plans on 3-4 player support?

have plans don't have time

The xbox one needs aN64 emulator.


save states work up to a certain point but then when playing ff3 it takes me back to a earlier save

are you trying to fix the save ??

Hello, new here. For some reason I cannot get "add rom from one drive" on the start up screen like I see in tutorials posted on the internet. Any help?

Any plans on N64 support for this emulator?


don't have plans to add new emulators

I can get the ROMs to load up but in my rom file they go from a to z when I try to play my roms they go a to d then stop

(1 edit)

It doesnt show any roms in my one drive folder. Can anyone help please.

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