Released TIC-80 0.29.1 dev


version 0.29.1

- JavaScript support #213
- Error message when run out of code space #149
- Replace color function in sprite editor editors #183
- Timeout version check after certain period passed #216
- Gridlines not visible in the map editor when the background sprite isn't black #190
- Change the startup sound #130
- Add 'saveid:' metatag #199
- Command line loaded sprites with wrong palette indices? #200
- Add ls command the same as dir #201
- Can't save or load a cart in Windows 8.1 #202
- Cannot change palette for new carts in config file #204
- More accurate timer #208
- Extra spaces on command line interpreted as part of file name #215
- Help commands show capital instead of lowercase #214
- wasted code when injecting it from the command line #219
- Crash in the Music Editor bug #218

The main enhancement is Javascript support, use new js command to load Hello World demo

Files 1.6 MB
Jul 06, 2017
tic_32bit_0.29.1.tar.gz 1.8 MB
Jul 06, 2017
tic_64bit_0.29.1.tar.gz 1.9 MB
Jul 06, 2017
tic_0.29.1.dmg 1.9 MB
Jul 06, 2017
tic_0.29.1.apk 5.6 MB
Jul 06, 2017

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